
2018 Dry-land maize producers awarded

Mr. Lifasi Munsu, crowned as the National Communal Dry-Land Maize Champion Farmer Of The Year.

Mr. Lifasi Munsu from Sibbinda constituency in the Zambezi region was crowned as the National Communal Dry-Land Maize Champion Farmer Of The Year, at an awards ceremony held on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at the UNAM Multi-Purpose Centre in Katima Mulilo. Since the establishment of the awards competition in 2008, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB)

NAB awards 2018 Mahangu champions

The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF)

The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) hosted the Annual Mahangu Harvest Festival competition awards ceremony on Wednesday, 08 August 2018 at the Kavango East Regional Council Auditorium, in Rundu. The competition was introduced by the NAB to give recognition to farmers who have implemented improved

Horticulture producers and traders in fresh produce to be awarded

Horticulture producers and trade

Event: National Horticulture Day & Award CeremonyDate: Wednesday, 27 September 2017(Full day event, including the official programme, excursions leading into a networking braai)Venue: REIT Club, Okahandja Each year, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) brings the horticulture industry together to publicly recognise the hard work, innovation and ingenuity of producers and traders in their efforts to

Appointment of a new CEO of the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB)

Dr Fidelis Nyambe Mwazi as its newly appointed Chief Executive Officer.

The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Fidelis Nyambe Mwazi as its newly appointed Chief Executive Officer. Dr Mwazi is taking over the reigns, starting 01 July 2018, following his predecessor, Christof Brock, who is going into retirement at the age of 65. His appointment is effective from 01

Horticulture producers and traders in fresh produce to be awarded

Horticulture producers & traders to be awarded

Event: National Horticulture Day & Award CeremonyDate: Wednesday, 26 September 2018 (Full day event, including the official programme, excursions leading into a networking braai)Venue: Olushandja (Epalela) in the Omusati Region Each year, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) brings the horticulture industry together to publicly recognise the hard work, innovation and ingenuity of horticulture producers and traders

2018 Master agronomist crowned

Elize van Niekerk, crowned 2018 Master Agronomist.

Elize van Niekerk of Farm Springvale in the Summerdown area, was crowned 2018 Master Agronomist at the award ceremony and information day held on Thursday, 19 April 2018. Since 1995, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) has annually awarded this prestigious award to an exceptional maize farmer. The event was hosted in collaboration with Namibia Agriculture

Horticultural Producer of The Year- Application form

Each year, the Namibian Agronomic Board recognises local producers of horticulture fresh fruit and vegetables with the Horticultural Producer of the Year Awards. The awards celebrate the professional, innovative and sustainable approach of our horticulture producers and showcase their passion and dedication in raising the profile of the important role they play in producing food

NAB Awards 2018 Mahangu Champions

Mahangu harvest Festival Awards 2018

The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) hosted the Annual Mahangu Harvest Festival competition awards ceremony on Wednesday, 08 August 2018 at the Kavango East Regional Council Auditorium, in Rundu. The competition was introduced by the NAB to give recognition to farmers who have implemented improved

NAB to recognise vegetable and fruit production excellence

Christof Brock, CEO of NAB

Nominations for horticulture producer of the year award open. The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) has announced that the nomination process for Horticultural Producer of the Year Awards has begun. The awards recognise horticultural production on the part of all farmers producing for the market. Among the aspects that the judging will highlight are professionalism, innovation

The champion communal grain farmers in the Zambezi region honoured

Communal grain farmers - Zambezi region

On 13 September, the communal white maize and mahangu farmers from the Zambezi Region who apply the best dry-land production methods, were awarded by the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB). Mr Alec Siseho was selected as the dry-land white maize champion farmer for 2017 and Mr Fred Mwabi as the mahangu champion of this year. The