The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) is mandated to promote the agronomy and horticulture industry, and to facilitate production, processing, storage and marketing of agronomic and horticultural products in Namibia. In terms of section 10 (1), (J) of the Agronomic Industry Act, Act 20 of 1992, all producers of controlled agronomic and horticultural crops in Namibia are required to register with the NAB. The registration of producers is aimed at ensuring compliance to various regulatory requirements, as well as the facilitation of production and marketing of horticultural products.
Some of the horticultural controlled products include: Potato, Onion, Butternut, Cabbage and Gem Squash, Tomato, Green Pepper, Carrot, and Pumpkin, Beetroot, English Cucumber, Sweet Potato, Watermelon, Sweet Melon, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Spinach, Sweet Corn, Mushroom and Lettuce etc.
Therefore, the NAB would like to invite all unregistered or new horticulture producers to register and obtain a unique Producer Identification Number (PIN) which is used for trading purposes. Registration forms are obtainable from the NAB website: www.nab.com.na, alternatively the forms can be emailed upon request. Submissions can be communicated via email, fax or WhatsApp. Telephonic submission may also be accepted in cases where internet connectivity challenges are experienced.
Please take note of the following points when applying for registration as a producer:
- The producer must submit a completed registration form accompanied with a completed expected production data collection form which indicates type of crops planted or to be planted and the volume expected, and a certified copy of the company’s registration documents or identity documents of the producer.
- Registration is free of charge, hence there are no costs involved.
- Once the registration process is finalised, the producer will be allocated a unique Producer Identification Number (PIN) which will allow him/her to trade in the formal market. Since all registered horticulture traders are only allowed to buy from registered producers, the list of registered producers is communicated to traders on a monthly basis to facilitate purchase arrangements locally.
- To ensure producers are protected from imports competition, all registered producers are expected to update NAB with production data forecast on a monthly basis for effective management of the close and open border periods.
- All producers who were previously registered with AMTA do not need to re-register with the NAB again, however the NAB will allocate them with new unique Producer Identification Number (PIN).
For more queries regarding producer registrations, contact Ms. Emilie Abraham (Manager: Horticulture Market Development) at Tel: +264 61 379500 or email at Emilie.Abraham@nab.com.na