


The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) wishes to inform all producers and traders that the Namibian Standards Institution (NSI), has gazetted marketing and commercial quality control standards for the horticulture industry as indicated in the table below. The development of these standards were done in collaboration with the NAB and in consultation with key stakeholders from industry.

Industry players are, therefore, encouraged and advised to acquaint themselves with the requirements contained in these standards, and approach the NAB to obtain more information by contacting Ms. Cecilia Hinda (Manager: Food Safety and Standards Compliance Services), Tel: +264 61 379500 / +26481 1241975, email:

No. Namibian Standards (NAMS) Particulars and Description of the Namibian Standards
1. NAMS 0002:2018 Marketing and commercial quality control of Table Grapes
2. NAMS 0006:2018 Marketing and commercial quality control of Dates
3. NAMS 0007:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Tomatoes
4. NAMS 0008:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Onions
5. NAMS 0009:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Potatoes
6. NAMS 0010:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Cabbages
7. NAMS 0011:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Butternut Squash
8. NAMS 0012:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Beetroots
9. NAMS 0013:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Carrots
10. NAMS 0014:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of English Cucumber
11. NAMS 0015:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Sweet Peppers
12. NAMS 0016:2021 Marketing and commercial quality control of Sweet Potatoes

Copies of these standards can be obtained at a minimal fee from NSI, Standards Publications, Sales & Information, Tel: +264 61386400/+264 855602333, email: However, the NAB and NSI would in future engage stakeholders on the awareness as part of training to interpret these standards.

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