New Requirements regarding primary processed Fruit and Vegetable products
The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) is mandated to regulate controlled horticultural (fruit and vegetable) products imported into Namibia, in accordance with the Agronomic Industry Act 20 of 1992. This is also done in line with the Market Share Promotion (MSP) scheme, aimed at stimulating local production and trade of horticultural products in Namibia, as a growth at home strategy implemented by the NAB.
Therefore, due to a noticeable widespread increase in importation of primary processed fruit and vegetable products that can be easily produced in Namibia using raw materials sourced locally, the NAB Board resolution no.1-2020/ P9/17 approved the following measures to be implemented, with effect from 01 August 2020.
1. Importation of fresh/chilled – cut fruit and vegetable products
- All importers of fresh/chilled – cut fruit and vegetable products (single line or mixed) will be required to obtain an import permit from the NAB issued per consignment, in line with MSP requirements and there are no permit fees applicable. All imported fresh/chilled-cut fruit and vegetable products will be subjected to an import levy of 5% and a trader levy of 1.4% calculated at landed cost.
- Import permits for fresh/chilled – cut fruit and vegetable products will only be issued to registered horticulture importers/traders. Therefore, any company that would like to import the above-aforementioned product must first register with the NAB before applying for import permits. Registration forms can be obtained from the NAB website.
2. Importation of frozen fruit and vegetable products
- All importers of frozen fruit and vegetable products (single line or mixed) will be required to obtain an import permit from the NAB, and importation of these products will be subjected to a permit fee of N$45 per permit. Importation of all frozen fruit and vegetable products will not form part of the MSP scheme and no levies are applicable, at this stage.
- Importers of frozen fruit and vegetable products will automatically be registered upon applying for a permit. The import permit application form can also be obtained from the NAB website.
Therefore all import permits for fresh/chilled – cut and frozen fruit and vegetable products will be issued per consignment and subject to a validity period of 90 days. However, importation of fresh/chilled – cut fruit and vegetables will not be allowed during the close border period. Furthermore, each permit issued for these product categories must be accompanied with a supplier invoice indicating the kilograms and monetary value of the specific products being imported.
Importers/traders of all fresh/chilled- cut and frozen fruit and vegetable products are advised to comply with the regulatory requirements. As from 01 August 2020, the NAB Inspectors will randomly inspect all cooler trucks carrying fresh produce, and any non-compliance will be handled in terms of the existing punitive measures for illegal importation.
For further enquiries, contact Ms. Emilie Abraham (Manager: Horticulture Market Development) at telephone no: +26461 379500 email at Emilie.Abraham@nab.com.na