Termination of AMTA as an agent of the Namibian Agronomic Board
The Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) is a statutory body, governed by the Agronomic Industry Act, Act no. 20 of 1992. The NAB is mandated to promote the agronomic industry and to facilitate the production, processing, storage and marketing of controlled products in Namibia.
In accordance with Section 10 (1) (g), the NAB Board in June 2014 appointed AMTA as its agent to assist the Board in the performance of its functions related to marketing, processing, handling and trade of controlled agronomic and horticultural products.
With this background, the Namibian Agronomic Board (NAB) would like to inform all its stakeholders and the general public that in line with Section 10 (1) (g) of the Agronomic Industry Act, 20 of 1992 the Board officially terminated the appointment of the Agro-Marketing & Trade Agency (AMTA) as its agent to assist in the performance of the regulatory functions for controlled agronomic and horticultural products, on the 20th of November 2018.
Therefore NAB Board resolved that all regulatory functions will be implemented by NAB as from 1st April 2020, and AMTA will no longer perform the following regulatory functions:
1.COLLECTION OF AGRONOMY & HORTICULTURE STATUTORY LEVIES AND FEES: The collection of all agronomic and horticulture levies and fees from all traders (Importers, Exporters and Intransit), processors and producers will be implemented by the NAB.
All payments of levies and fees should be deposited into the following bank account as per section 14 of the Agronomic Industry Act, Act 20 of 1992 as from 1st April 2020:
Bank: Standard Bank Namibia Limited
Account Name: Namibian Agronomic Board Levy Account
Account Number: 241879868
Account Type: Current Account
Branch: Ausspannplatz
Branch Code: 082672
Swift Code: SBNMANX